Thursday 28 February 2013

A very handy dandy pencil box.

L u n c h .

Wednesday 27 February 2013

we likey.

Monday 25 February 2013


First day back! Today in Textiles: Surface Form we were introduced to the surface form technique of thermoplastics. Through applications of heat shaping, synthetics can be manipulated to permanently memorise shape or surface texture. In our studio class today, we experimented with a variety of thermoplastic techniques as a means to discover new pleat geometries and the design potential in sculpted surfaces. We manipulated polyester fabrics by using certain materials such as marbles, coins and strings to create innovative textural surfaces. 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Back to school, back to school...

Saturday 23 February 2013

W  E  T 
W  E  A  T  H  E  R

Why hello there dear readers!
Today we're attending a party hosted by our good friends, and we're excited. Unfortunately, it's awfully wet outside, so we're preparing for the harsh conditions and pulling out our raincoats, gumboots and emergency frizz-control hair serum! (KMS Hair Stay - Anti Humidity Seal - that stuff is the shiz!) 

It's tricky when dressing up for an event like this. Of course, you want to look chic, but ruining garments and footwear in this nasty rain is simply a no-no! Mud stains, water damage - um, no thanks! So as a rule of thumb, the 2 of us are all for wearing good quality cottons and fabrics that are fine getting wet (no silk, satin or leather! Don't even think about it). And in terms of shoes, we'll probably be wearing gumboots today, or, even Havianas (they're perfect for the pudddles, but goodbye pedicure!) So if you're clueless as to what on earth to wear to a party or event on a horrible day like this, embrace the 'wet weather' look to avoid the cold and enjoy the comfort! You'll look grungy-chic-cool anyway, we promise! Check out the fab inspiration below! Enjoy your Saturday!

Jessie & Gab

Friday 22 February 2013

T . G . I . F .